I have tons of homework this week. So of course the natural solution was to flee the city and climb a mountain. But I figure I’ll forget about the copious amounts of homework and sleep deprivation in a few days but I’ll remember climbing this mountain for the rest of my life.
And if I’m going to climb any mountain, it’s going to be Fuya Fuya. It just sounds cool. And it’s beautiful. There are lagoons at the foot of the mountain so the view was “preciosa.”
I went with Club de Andinismo, PUCE’s (The Catholic University) mountain climbing club. They do all sorts of adventuring though, not just mountain climbing. A group of about 25 went, and only four English speakers, so that was good. I spoke lots of Spanish and made lots of new friends.
The mountain was about a two hour bus ride away and I have to admit that, as we drove past mountain after mountain, I wondered why we didn’t just get off the bus and climb up one of the random mountains along the side of the road. But it seems that adventurers in the area like to “collect” mountains for lack of a better word. Everyone’s constantly checking mountains off their list. Plus our mountain was gorgeous.
So to start off with, I feel I should mention that climbing a mountain, in theory, sounds a lot easier than it actually is. It was way harder than I was expecting. Fifteen minutes into the hike, I was struggling to breathe. It felt like I couldn’t get enough air unless I just stopped entirely, which obviously isn’t very conducive to climbing a mountain. The process implies forward progress.
So anyway, I just took it slow so I didn’t get too out of breath and kept trucking. I knew better of myself than to consider quitting but I did wonder, “Why on earth am I on this mountain? I’m not a mountain climber!” But then I realized that I was on a mountain and I was climbing, so that kind of makes me a mountain climber. So I kept going.
After what felt like ages (it took about two hours), we reached the top. It was really foggy so we couldn’t see much. I felt like I was in a cloud. We ate lunch atop Fuya Fuya and then headed over to the peak of a neighboring mountain, Cochasqui, I think. To get to the summit of that mountain there was some bouldering and rock climbing involved. And when you are clinging to the side of a rock face, without equipment, hoping you don’t fall, and all you can see are mountainsides plummeting down on either side of you, it dawns on you that it’s hard to define the threshold between cool and dangerous. I was definitely into dangerous. Sorry, Dad. But I survived, if that’s any consolation.
On the hike down, we took another route. A crazy steep route. I had to walk really, really slowly but all in all the descent was less painful. Breathing got noticeably easier as I went.
At the bottom of the mountain, we chilled while we waited for our taxis (read: pickup trucks who let us ride in their truck beds) to take us to the bus station and then we took the bus back Quito. The whole adventure lasted 14 hours, from 5:30am to 7:30pm.
Okay, now I’ll go ahead and take a crack at…
· Abortion is illegal here.
· My EcuaMami has two authentic sculptures by Caspicara, a famous 18th century Ecuadorian sculptor who is well known for sculpting little baby boys with teeth, glass eyes, and penises (most other sculptors just sort of left the penises out). The sculptures used to belong to Marcela’s father but were gifted to her upon his death. They are worth a lot of money. She was telling me that she went to Museo Banco Central to get one of the sculptures appraised and a curator told her that unless she had official papers declaring legal ownership (which she didn’t have), the Museum was going to confiscate it as property of the state. She protested and as the guide went to get his manager, Marcela wrapped the sculpture in her jacket (it is rather small) and fled the museum, running down ten flights of stairs and out the door as guards shouted after her. It now sits in the foyer inside a glass case.
· Today, I was the only student who showed up to my Psychology of Sexuality class (does my taking that class explain some of the factoids?). It was just me and the professor. Class went on as usual. Don’t worry, it wasn’t awkward.
· When I was descending Fuya Fuya, I saw what I thought was a large moss covered boulder but when I stepped on it, it was kind of springy. Not a boulder. Turns out it was some sort of highland grass that grows so tightly together it forms a huge mound. They best way I’ve heard them described are as looking like giant, green brains.
So I think I’ll stop here. I hope everyone is doing well. You are all in my thoughts. I’m headed to the beach again this weekend, but a different one this time. I’ll try to write again soon. ¡Hasta luego!